Sacile-Gemona Railway and FVG3 cyclepath are the fastest slow way you can take to reach Venice and the Adriatic coast coming from Austria, Germany and other North European countries.
A cyclepath and a railway running side by side are a real treasure. We need to administrate it wisely, in a sustainable way.

Sacile-Gemona is the railway and FVG3 its cyclepath;
Notice the white dotted line: FVG1 – Alpe Adria cyclepath
Our Association wants to organize a welcoming network for travellers based upon 3 stations: Osoppo-Majano (near Gemona), Pinzano (half the way) and Budoia-Polcenigo (near Sacile). Service will start in early 2020.
A safe harbour for travellers, where you will find shelter, water to drink, to wash your clothes, shower and bathroom, internet connection, a small camping site, 10 beds in station Guesthouse, informations and booking service for local B&B, hotels. Artists will be running the system.